
gebouw: M+, Hoorn 131
2404 HH Alphen aan den Rijn
telefoon 0172-421174
galerie 0172-419205

M. 06-53396764
F. 0172-438066
E. helga@galeriehelgahofman.nl

donderdag 12:00-17:00
zaterdag 11:00-17:00 en op afspraak

   De Galerie           

Sjoerd Buisman

Sjoerd Buisman is a Dutch artist who works with nature; often controlling its form and development. He is very successful in Holland and has recently completed several private commissions as well as working on long term landscaping projects.

His love of nature began over thirty year ago just as Buisman was leaving his studies at the Art Academy in Rotterdam. He was to return to the Academy seven years later to teach, at which time his work was included in a touring exhibition by the Dutch Art Foundation. He was, at that time (1970's), still living in Haarlem where much of his Upside Down work was evolving. This work, initiated in his studio, began when he purposely hung out to dry willow saplings, fixed on a line, and positioned upside down.
© Copyright Helga Hofman 1995 - 2011,
the Netherlands